TimoffStudio Privacy Policy

Last updated on 1st Apr 2024 

This privacy policy sets out how we handle your privacy. By using our Services you consent to the practices set out in this policy.

1. What Information Do We Collect?
1.1 Information you give to us
1.2 Information collected automatically
1.3 Information from third parties
2. How Do We Use Your Information?
2.1 When Do We Disclose Information
2.2 Childrens' Privacy
2.3 Third Party Services
2.4 Marketing & In-app Purchases
2.4.1 Direct Marketing
2.4.2 In-app Purchases
2.5 Storage & Security
3. Complaints
4. Updates To This Policy
5. Definitions

1. What Information Do We Collect?
1.1 Information You Give To Us
We receive and store any information you give to us, such as when you:

download, update and play our games;
purchase Services through an online store;
make an in-app purchase;
give us your information in another way.
1.2 Information Collected Automatically
We receive and store certain types of information automatically when you interact with us, such as:

information about how you use our Services. We use this information to design new Services, improve our games, provide social features and to deliver our Services to you;
information about the device you use to access our Services such as its make & model, operating system version, platform, language, ip address, time zone, device carrier;
the advertising ID for your device. You can reset the advertising ID at any time through your device settings.
your general location location (ie. country) based on your ip Address, so we know what language to use and so that we can provide Services that are applicable to your location;
2. How Do We Use Your Information?
We use the information we collect about you:

for the purpose it was collected for (eg if you participate in our focus testing, we will use that information to assist in the development and launch of our games);
to deliver our Services to you;
to personalise and continually improve your experience of our Services;
to offer our Services to you and to tell you about new Service offerings, updates and other information about our Services that might be relevant to you;
to advertise our Services to you;
to deliver advertisements for third party products and services to you;
to provide multiplayer gaming and social networking;
to perform our own analytics. We use analytical information for supporting business analysis and operations, business intelligence, product development, improving products and services, personalizing content and providing advertising;
2.1 When Do We Disclose Information
We may disclose the personal information we hold about you in the following circumstances:

if we are required or authorised to disclose by law or by a law enforcement agency;
to our business partners in the course of providing our Services to you, or generally in the conduct of our business. This may include organisations who provide services to us, such as advertising, payment processors or hosting services. Please see below for more information about third party services; and
2.2 Childrens' Privacy
Child Safe Apps

If provided by us game is labelled a Child Safe App, it was built with child safety as a priority. Our Child Safe Apps have no advertising, no data collection, no in-app purchases and no links to external sites or apps.

If you permit your child to use one of our Services that is not labelled a Child Safe App, you should disable in-app purchases on your phone and actively monitor your child’s use. You should also familiarise yourself with this privacy policy, as by permitting your child to use our Services you consent to this privacy policy on their behalf. If you don’t agree, please do not permit your child to use our Services.

We do not knowingly contact or collect information from children under 13 without the permission of their parent/guardians. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected such information, please contact us so we can promptly obtain parental/guardian consent or delete the information.

2.3 Third Party Services
When you use our Services, you might also use third party services, such as Facebook, Twitter. We do not control how they interact with you and you should ensure that you consent to the terms of use and privacy policies offered by the third party services before providing them with your information. You acknowledge that we are not liable when third party services use information you provide to them.

We encourage you to be careful about the protection of your own personal information when using third party services such as social media platforms.

We also work with certain business partners, such as other game developers and advertising partners, and information collected from you may be shared through these partnerships.

Below is a list of our business partners, but not all, business partners that we actively share user information and site usage data with (this list is subject to change):


2.4 Marketing & In-app Purchases
2.4.1 Direct Marketing
Sometimes we will use your information to tell you about our Services and our news, such as new games we are launching or events we are running.

2.4.2 In-app Purchase
Some of our games offer in-app purchases. Examples of in-app purchases are items you can purchase (for real or in-game currency) or other additional features. If you don’t want to make in-app purchases, don’t use these paid-for options and consider disabling in-app purchases on your device.

2.5 Storage & Security
We store information on servers in the UK and in the US.

Security is important to us and we strive to protect both your information and our information in the best possible ways. But there are inherent risks in transmitting information over the Internet and it is possible that we could be hacked. You should feel comfortable with this level of risk before you provide information to us, or use our Services. If you are not comfortable with this risk, please do not use our Services.

3. Complaints
If you have any concerns or complaints about your privacy please contact us by:

Email to timoffstudio@gmail.com

4. Updates to this Policy
We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. These updates, will take effect from the date of issue on this webpage. Please check back regularly for updates.

5. Definitions
Advertising ID
A unique ID that is generated for your device to track activity by advertising companies to improve their service in game. This is also known as Interest Based Advertising. You may be able to opt-out of this feature on some platforms. You may also be able to reset your advertising ID on your device.
Interpretation and interpolation of unidentified data to predict and isolate trends relating to game play and app use.
Child Safe App
Currently we have no applications marked as Child Safe App
IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)
A unique string of numbers separated by full stops or commas that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. These numbers are usually assigned in geographic blocks.
In-app purchase
An in-game system that allows exchanging real money for virtual goods or in-game currency.
TimoffStudio ("us", "we")
TimoffStudio its assignees, licensees, successors in title and subsidiaries.
Services offered by us and includes our games, websites and related services.
Terms of Service
Rules and conduct standards that are defined that one must comply with to use the service.
Third party services
Services provided by a provider that is not owned or controlled by us